Mannequin Records 15th Anniversary Tour: Paris

Ven. 1er septembre 2023 (23:00 — 06:00)
Station Nord
Préventes : 13€
Tickets à vendre à l’entrée de la Station dans la limite des places disponibles

Mannequin Records arrives at the notorious ‘La Station’ in Paris to mark 15 years of its legacy.
This year, after successfully hosting showcases at some of Berlin's top clubs—Berghain, Panorama Bar and Ohm, Mannequin Records is now ready to expand its reach through international collaborations.
So far, the shows are to be held in some of the most prominent venues in Europe, including Khidi, Tresor and London’s FOLD, and will mark the next step in the label's history. In Paris the event will be hosted in collaboration with Antinote Records and La Station crew. The show is conceptually centered on the performances of three local live acts — Leroy Se Meurt, Phantom Love and Dissemblance — whose music reflects the aesthetic core of the label, and on two DJ-sets by Alessandro Adriani, the label’s founder, and «Antinote» Zaltan that will make the lineup even more powerful.
Mannequin Records is known for its genre-bending diversity – their releases range from post-punk to techno, from experimental to ambient. Since 2008, the label has been a consistent source of fresh, exciting sound — be it reissued classics or new material — for cold wave enthusiasts, collectors and DJs. Repurposing, reissuing and redistributing the gems of electronic classics is what makes Mannequin Records a trendsetter among their niche, even though pursuing popularity and critical acclaim isn’t their main priority.
Alessandro Adriani [Mannequin Records, IT/DE]
Zaltan [Antinote Records, FR]
Leroy Se Meurt – live [Synth Punk, FR]
Dissemblance – live [Cold Wave, FR]
Phantom Love – live [Electro Wave, IT/FR]

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